- An Overview of Cost: Importance and relevance of Cost Accounting Material Cost, Labour Cost, Direct Expenses and Overheads, Cost Sheet.
- Cost Accounting Records & Cost Audit under Companies Act, 2013.
- Budget, Budgeting and Budgetary Control: Preparation of various types of Budgets; Budgetary Control System; Zero Based Budgeting; Performance Budgeting.
- Ratio Analysis: Financial Analysis through Ratios.
- Management Reporting (Management Information Systems).
- Decision Making Tools: Marginal Costing; Transfer Pricing.
- Valuation Principles & Framework: Conceptual Framework of Valuation, Valuation rules; Valuation of securities or financial assets; Approaches of Valuation - Assets Approach, Income Approach; Market Approach; Registered Valuer; IND AS Valuation.
- Valuation of Shares, Business and Intangible Assets: Regulatory Valuations; Companies Act;
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code; Income Tax Act; SEBI law; FEMA and RBI guidelines.
- Accounting for Share-Based Payments (Ind AS 102).
- Methods of Valuation: Net Assets Valuation: Relative Valuation (Comparable Companies/ Transactions); Discounted Cash Flow Valuation; Other Methods.
Case Studies & Practical Aspects.