CBSE Class 12 Business Studies
Part A: Principles and Functions of Management
Unit 1: Nature and Significance of Management
- Management – concept, objectives, and importance
- Management as Science, Art and Profession
- Levels of Management
- Management functions-planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling
- Coordination- concept and importance
Unit 2: Principles of Management
- Principles of Management- concept and significance
- Fayol’s principles of management
- Taylor’s Scientific management- principles and techniques
Unit 3: Business Environment
- Business Environment- concept and importance
- Dimensions of Business EnvironmentEconomic, Social, Technological, Political and Legal
Unit 4: Planning
- Concept, importance and limitation
- Planning process
Unit 5: Organising
- Concept and importance
- Organising Process
- Structure of organisation- functional and divisional concept.
- Delegation: concept, elements and importance
- Decentralization: concept and importance
Unit 6: Staffing
- Concept and importance of staffing
- Staffing process
- Recruitment process
- Selection – process
- Training and Development – Concept and importance, Methods of training – on the job and off the job – vestibule training, apprenticeship training and internship training
Unit 7: Directing
- Concept and importance
- Elements of Directing
- Motivation – concept, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Financial and non-financial incentives
- Leadership – concept, styles – authoritative, democratic and laissez faire
- Communication – concept, formal and informal communication
Unit 8: Controlling
- Controlling – Concept and importance
- Steps in process of control
Part B: Business Finance and Marketing
Unit 9: Financial Management
- Concept, role and objectives of Financial Management
- Financial decisions: investment, financing and dividend- Meaning and factors affecting
- Financial Planning – concept and importance
- Capital Structure – concept and factors affecting capital structure
- Fixed and Working Capital – Concept and factors affecting their requirements
Unit 10: Financial Markets
- Financial Markets: Concept, Functions and types
- Money market and its instruments
- Capital market and its types (primary and secondary), methods of floatation in the primary market
- Stock Exchange – Functions and trading procedure
- Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) – objectives and functions
Unit 11: Marketing
- Marketing – Concept, functions and philosophies
- Marketing Mix – Concept and elements
- Product – branding, labelling and packaging – Concept
- Price – Concept, Factors determining price
- Physical Distribution – concept
- Promotion – Concept and elements; Advertising, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion and Public Relations
Unit 12: Consumer Protection
- Concept and importance of consumer protection
- Consumer Protection Act 1986:
Meaning of consumer
Rights and responsibilities of consumers
Who can file a complaint?
Redressal machinery
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