How Affiliate Marketing Works Step-by-Step | Universal-Translation ...

by Saumya Bhardwaj on April 28


To go Traditional or Digital becomes a point of confusion for small and medium businesses.It becomes difficult for every small and medium business to divide it between traditional and digital. At the end, most businesses go with traditional marketing because of the lack of availability of right tools to measure ROI of digital.


Selecting the right marketing mix is not an easy task. A person has to answer so many questions like: Which channel will give me the best ROI? How will I know if it is working or not? Should I do it myself or outsource it? The answers to these questions are more confusing than the questions itself.



Traditional marketing has its own advantages and most business owners know it. They have used it and they know what the outcomes will be. Shifting from Traditional to Digital is a big task. This not only involves creating and measuring campaigns in a different way but changing the whole mindset. People know that the whole world is on mobile now and they spend an average 4 hours a day on it, still they will stick to billboards.

There are so many reasons for a Small and Medium business to move to digital. I will list down a few.


1. Geographical expansion

Digital marketing will help you expand to new areas without any geographical hurdles. Just enter the city you like or select a radius in a particular city. You are flexible with your reach and type of audience. The campaigns can be set up in no time and you are good to go.



2. Cost Effective

Small and medium businesses don’t have a big amount to spend on marketing. Still, the objective is to reach maximum people with the lowest possible cost. A one-time TV ad can of 30 seconds cost a business more than 3,50,000 Rs. if shown at a normal time during the day. A small business doesn’t have that amount of money. While on the other hand, Digital ads can reach a super-targeted audience at a lower cost.


3. Measurable analytics

Digital marketing helps to measure every click and helps in identifying user behavior and buying patterns. It also helps to give detailed insights about your target audience so that you can make super targeted ads. The amount of data which you can gather with the help of Digital Marketing is invaluable.


4. Higher revenue

Digital marketing helps to generate higher revenue compared to traditional marketing channels. Small and medium enterprises using Digital Marketing techniques will have 3.3 times better chances of expanding their workforce and business.


5. Super targeted audience

If you want to target a woman aged 24-26 who is interested in fashion jewellery, living in Mumbai and newly engaged, you can precisely target her. This is the beauty of Digital Marketing, you can precisely target the people you want.